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New Auspitz!

27. 3. 2019 New Auspitz!

Auspitz (“Hustopeče” in german) is a wine which I was looking forward to for a very long time. A blend of two different wine varieties, from the clay grounds around Hustopeče. Hustopeče’s wine making has seen its greatest glory when 90% of the population was german. So I’m feeling a lot of energy in this context, especially do to the history of this area and my roots.

The king of Moravian sauvignons…

18. 1. 2019 The king of Moravian sauvignons…

“With his 2017 wines, Roman has established a connection with the previous ones from 2015 and 2016. He has stabilised both in quality and style. And because he is consistent, the nickname “King of Moravian sauvignons” is well deserved. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t anyone else in Moravia who wouldn’t be able to compare there Sauvignons with Roman’s. But this kind of a integrated portfolio of foundations, and just the system he works with cannot be beat.”

Article by Petr Lipový from Vineval, which you can read here.

Forbes & Sauvignon Blanc Na výsluní

11. 12. 2018 Forbes & Sauvignon Blanc Na výsluní

In the December issue of Forbes Czech, you will be able to find a selection of wines for your Christmas diner. Thank you very much for mentioning our Sauvignon Na výsluní 2017. 

Wines were recommended by Vít Hepnar - Sommelier.

A guide of the best Czech wines 2018-2019

4. 12. 2018 A guide of the best Czech wines 2018-2019

It’s been a few weeks now since the “christening” of the new Guide of the best Czech wines has taken place. I have gotten the new issue just a little while ago. I remember that last year I was very pleased with our rating. But this year I was just shocked, in a very pleasant way. Our winery received a full rating, which is 3 stars. And two of our Sauvignons received 91 points!

Sauvignon Blanc in the Víno & Styl magazine!

15. 9. 2018 Sauvignon Blanc in the Víno & Styl magazine!

A grand test of Sauvignon Blanc took place in the current Vino & Styl magazine. I'm very happy with the success of our two wines. Out of the 28 wines from all around the world, Big Sauvignon is the winner of the test, and the Sahara has been ranked as the eighth best wine. This is some nice news at the peak of the harvest!

Pochvala Jakubovi!

21. 8. 2018 Pochvala Jakubovi!

Založení nové vinice Na výsluní byla od jara hlavně jeho práce a zodpovědnost a téměř všech 22 tisíc kusů sazenic se má čile k světu. Takhle nějak by mohl vypadat ukázkový mladý vinohrad. Radost se procházet...


2. 8. 2018 F+F

Finmag & Fabig

S klukama z Finmagu jsem se potkal nedávno v Praze už lehce ovíněný po náročné pracovní degustaci a vzešel z toho třístránkový rozhovor v novém vydání. Nevím, jestli to bylo vínem nebo správnými otázkami od Martina, ale bylo to moc fajn odpoledne...

Seznam TV & Fabig

15. 6. 2018 Seznam TV & Fabig

In May I had some very nice visitors. Two days spent with a nice group of people from Seznam TV, to be more specific they were from a show called #ZDAVUVEN. Anita Baselová and her crew are very professionals, and as much as they were thrilled by the surrounding area, I was thrilled by being able to watch them at work. They were interested in finding out something new about wine, the new generation of winemakers, how I see the future of wine and how I got to what I do today. You can check it out here.

After five years of preparing to plant Sauvignon “Na výsluní” we are finally ready!

19. 4. 2018 After five years of preparing to plant Sauvignon “Na výsluní” we are finally ready!

So it is here! From the first moments we started talked about purchasing the property, until the planting of Savignon “Na výsluní”, five years have passed. I was so excited for this moment. About two weeks ago we have planted 4 ha of Savignon“Na výsluní” in our new vineyard. I’d like to thank everyone who has helped with the preparations. A huge thanks goes out to my family, winemakers from here, winemakers from Austria, Germany and New Zealand! Now I can only wish for a not too dry year. And then it’s only going to be all positivity :)  

BIG Fabig!

14. 9. 2017 BIG Fabig!

When I established the winery back in 2011, I had one idea in my mind, and that was to have three lines of wine. Something for a light start, then some wines with character which represent place where they come from. And last is the top of the line, wines which will be picked only from the best grapes during the best years. It was only in 2015 when the production of these wines has begun, and they will be for sale September 25th 2017.